Carlton Sortwell
Beginning in June of 2012 I began writing a new novel, publishing it serially on line. It was called CARLTON SORTWELL and explored among other things Little League baseball. I finished in March of 2013.
Like all of my other novels, it has strong ties to Maine, specifically Wiscasset. In fact, one of the characters, Meredith Sewall, is the daughter of Sam Sewall, the protagonist of THE ECOLOGY OF THE HEART, another of my e-novels on Amazon.
CARLTON SORTWELL is the story of a boy, who, at nine years old in 1998, finds himself passionately in love with two entities: Meredith Sewall, who sits in front of him in the Wiscasset Middle School, and the game of baseball. A family tragedy cuts Carlton adrift and voiceless, forcing him to leave Wiscasset and Meredith behind; and the events of a subsequent season of Little League further shock him, ultimately leading him back to an understanding of what really matters, both about baseball and about love.
The first chapter is free on my blog at Chapter 1
(It is available as an E-Book. Order one now!: Order!
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